
Aerangis citrata

Aerangis citrata is found in the humid coastal forests of eastern Madagascar, which indicates its requirements in culture. They can be grown on a bark slab, a mini log or like mine in a net pot with an open bark Compost. It requires some shade, intermediate temperature and plenty of air movement, with humidity medium to high. Roots should be allowed to just about dry between watering.

I obtained my plant from the late Nev. Brown’s collection as a small 2 growth plant. I obviously didn’t give it the right conditions as it sat on the bench doing nothing, it did once try to flower with about 7 flowers on a very small spike. I then decided to repot it and split the two growths; one I sold to an SDOS member (can’t remember who!).

My greenhouse is a small lean-to on a purpose built wall facing North/very slightly northeast. My plant was moved from the bench to a shelf on the back wall, about two feet below the top of the greenhouse, with two fans, one each end of the shelf blowing continuously, in summer the roof is heavily shaded.This seems to have ticked all the boxes and the plant has again reached 2 growths in better condition and has 8 flower spikes with 133 flowers. Derek Jackson

Aerangis brachycarpa

I bought this plant in late 2014 by mail order from the Elsner nursery in Northern Germany as a flowering sized plant. It is a species found in a number of African countries including Angola, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia and normally grows in heavy shade low down on tree trunks or bushes. Most books recommend that Aerangis plants are better mounted but I chose to pot it in a pond basket with medium / large bark to give good drainage but allow me to miss a few days between watering when I am away from home. I try to keep the plant moist when actively growing with frequent spraying & occasional “dunking”. It grows in intermediate conditions on the east side of my greenhouse with the only direct sun being in early morning (heavy shade in Africa is not the same as heavy shade in Sheffield!). Peter battle